1. Open to all family members of member-consumer-owners (MCOs) and a resident of the franchise of MORESCO-1.
2. The Jingle must be original and in Bisaya (vernacular) and must be upbeat and energetic when performed.
3. Lyrics will be submitted with the song and video.
4. Entries must be in mp4 format video of the performance of the jingle composition.
5. Submitted entries must include the names of contestant/s, municipality, labelled mp3 and mp4 files, and lyrics.
6. Should use phrases like the value of electrification to communities, the importance of electric power to the economy and the contribution of the electricity to people empowerment and social change.
7. Must include the advocacy taglines “Ako Padayon sa Kahayag. Sa Kahayag Ako Padayon”.
8. All submitted materials will be posted in MORESCO-1 Facebook Page and will be deemed property of MORESCO-1’s Institutional Services Department and used in its social media campaigns with proper attribution to its composers / writers / lyricist.
9. Judging of the material will be done accordingly when entries received to determine finalists. Airing and posting of the entries in M1 FB page will be announced later or when ISD find it timely for online feedback.
10. CRITERIA for Judging of material:
LYRICS (thematic content / message) – 20%
MUSICALITY (unique elements within the jingle, including instruments used in the structure of the song, upbeat, energy) – 15%
ORIGINALITY (creative ability, freshness or novelty, owning the song when performed in the video. – 15%
Total Count of Facebook Likes, Love, Care, Haha, Wow (Sad & Angry Excluded) – 25%
Compounded Counts of Shares and comments – 25%
TOTAL 100%
11. The winner will get P5000 in cash, 2nd place P3,000 cash, 3rd place – P2000 cash. All entries will have a plaque in recognition of their participation and will properly acknowledged in social media.
12. Entries must be submitted to on or before November 15, 2021 and must register online through
13. For inquiries, email us at and or contact the M1 Community Development Officers in your areas.
14. IMPORTANT: Like and follow MORESCO-1 FB Page.