In a major push towards environmental conservation, the Mangrove Reserve in Zone 3, Barangay Baybay, Alubijid, will host a significant event on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

The event, titled “Restoring Our Shores,” will see the planting of 4,700 mangrove propagules between 5:00 AM and 7:00 AM.

This initiative is a collaborative effort involving several key organizations:

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Province and Region 10

The Local Government Unit of Alubijid

The Barangay Baybay Council, and

the employees of MORESCO-1 from the all the service area offices.

The planting event is organized in response to the DENR’s Regulation Memorandum Order No. 2012-02, which emphasizes the importance of mangrove restoration for coastal protection and ecological balance. Mangroves play a critical role in coastal ecosystems by providing habitat for marine life, protecting shorelines from erosion, and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Additionally, this event will commemorate the 56th founding anniversary of the Pioneer Electric Cooperative in the country, marking over half a century of dedicated service and community development.

Local officials, environmental advocates, and community members are expected to participate in the planting, highlighting the community’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development.

“We invite everyone to join us in this crucial environmental initiative. By planting mangroves, we are not only restoring our shores but also enhancing coastal resilience and ensuring a healthier environment for future generations,” said a spokesperson for the organizing committee.

The event promises to be a meaningful way to contribute to the preservation of natural resources and the well-being of the community.

Let’s come together to make a difference. See you there!